Are you in love with a Libra? Are you a Libra yourself? While many people believe that relationships between people of the same sign are hopeless, two Librans could well prove them wrong.
Despite their sensuality, Libra men and women are fans of rational thinking when it comes to relationships with new people. However, in order for two Librans to function together, they need to make compromises, let their emotions command their brains and try not to avoid conflict.
Have a look at the compatibility of the Libra male with the Libra female.
When it comes to intimacy, Libra men and women are sexually compatible. These men are not overly expressive about their sexual desires and fantasies, which makes them ideal partners. The gentle temperament of Librans does not match the passionate personalities of other signs such as Scorpio, Leo and Aries.
Nevertheless, Librans are likely to face problems when taking the initiative. The indecisive nature of their character seems to prevail when they are about to take the first step. Unless one of the potential partners finds the courage to initiate a first date, the chances of establishing a relationship are almost nil.
In a relationship, the Libran’s goal is to meet the needs of the other partner, which means that both partners are doing their best to keep the relationship going. Being mentally compatible is considered a huge benefit and allows for open dialogue on any topic, especially their sex life. Conversely, their low self-confidence is likely to lead to judging each other more than their partner born under another sign.
The indecisiveness of Librans has a huge impact on the relationships of people born under the same sign. When in a relationship, Libra men and women can deal with a myriad of trust issues caused by the uncertainty of the decisions they make. Libra’s constantly question every word they have ever said and every word their partner has spoken in search of hidden messages.
Libra couples are undoubtedly the most likely to experience misunderstandings, which can lead to break-ups. Libra people often have a strange feeling that something is wrong with their relationship, but can’t quite put their finger on it. In addition, neither Libra men nor women are the most persistent when it comes to finding a solution, usually waiting for the other person to take the first action. If no one takes the initiative, a Libra-Libra relationship is doomed to fail from the start.
While Venus is responsible for providing the emotional side of Libra, Saturn is responsible for the colder side of their personality. Make sure you find an astrology website to familiarise yourself with the compatibility between Libra men and women. Although Librans are capable of loving each other fiercely, sometimes, they don’t seem too keen to get involved in a relationship.
Librans are not generally considered stubborn, but they can be very stubborn when involved in a romantic relationship. The strong-willed nature of both partners could be fatal to their relationship if they decide to shut down their emotions.
In addition, the intellectual side of Librans is usually in charge when faced with trouble in paradise, encouraging them to embrace reason and ignore their emotions altogether. If two Librans are to start a relationship, they need to let go of their rational minds and allow their emotions to take charge.
En ce qui concerne les conflits, les couples de la Balance essaient d’éviter les disputes autant que possible. Il est courant pour ces couples d’éviter les disputes avant de se marier. Même après le mariage, les disputes ne sont pas trop fréquentes par rapport à la fréquence des disputes dans les autres couples. Cependant, l’absence de conflit n’est pas toujours un indicateur d’harmonie.
Lorsque des problèmes surviennent, la solution de la Balance consiste à les ignorer jusqu’à ce qu’ils disparaissent. Dans tous les cas, balayer les problèmes sous le tapis ne fera que les aggraver avec le temps. Le moindre problème peut devenir grave si le couple Balance décide de ne pas en discuter. Par conséquent, les Balances devraient apprendre que l’ignorance n’est pas le bonheur lorsqu’il s’agit de relations avec un homme ou une femme du même signe. Les disputes occasionnelles peuvent s’avérer bénéfiques plutôt que totalement néfastes.
En ce qui concerne les centres d’intérêt, les hommes et les femmes Balance partagent de nombreuses similitudes, qui sont essentielles pour passer des moments de qualité ensemble. La nature extravertie de ces personnes les aide à trouver des activités d’intérêt commun. Bien que tous deux aient envie de sortir, de rencontrer de nouvelles personnes et de voyager, ils peuvent être indécis lorsqu’il s’agit de conclure des accords.
D’une manière générale, les Balances ne sont pas attachées aux routines et aux horaires fixes en raison de leur esprit libre. Cependant, les hommes et les femmes Balance constatent souvent que leurs partenaires ont des routines secrètes qu’ils suivent, ce qui devrait être compatible afin qu’ils puissent profiter de leur temps ensemble. Par conséquent, les couples de la Balance doivent faire des compromis afin d’éviter de perdre du temps à décider des activités à faire avec leur partenaire.
Dans la plupart des cas, ces couples ont tendance à partager des amis, des habitudes, des activités sportives, etc. En partageant tout, ils semblent éviter d’avoir à se conformer aux habitudes de leur partenaire.
Il faut donner une chance aux couples Balance et Balance. Ces personnes sont intelligentes, sages, émotives et très romantiques. Pourquoi ne pas sortir avec quelqu’un du même signe ?